Losts & Found Cats

A cat keeps coming into my garden and I don’t think it has an owner. What should I  do?

A domestic cats territory can vary, some cats may never leave their own garden while others will travel further - up to 2 miles in some cases. An un-neutered male will travel to find a female to mate with. If you are leaving food for the cat it is more likely to return to your garden time and time again especially if its taster than what they are receiving at home!

There are a few things that you can do to establish if the cat is owned:

Check for a microchip:

From the 10th June 2024 it became a legal requirement that all cats and kittens over 20 weeks old must be microchipped

Scan Angels are volunteers who will come and check for a microchip in a cat you have found

If there is no microchip implanted then we recommend attaching a paper collar to the cat with your phone number on it. if the cat returns home the owner will call you regarding the cat and you can discuss any concerns you have regarding the cat.

Paper collar template